Qt 3.3.2 question

Sydney Faria n1huq at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 15 16:36:07 UTC 2004

Qt 3.3.2 designer has a tutorial that can be found by going to Assistant ->
Qt Designer Manual and then links such as 'Creating a Main Window
Application' where several references are made, in the adding options action
section, to designer_tabwidget.png in
/tools/designer/examples/colortool/images directory.  I've been told that
these images have been renamed to something like qtabwidget.png but I do not
believe this explanation since I can only find these png files in
/usr/lib/qt-3.3/doc/html directory and I know these are for a different
tutorial - the one with the canon!  Does anyone know where the png images
are for this tutorial?

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