latest kudzu changes

Steve G linux_4ever at
Tue Aug 17 12:12:25 UTC 2004

>> Avoiding it is useful because it makes bootstrapping a bit less painful.
>Definitely.  Bootstrapping FC2 is somewhat painful if even rpm depends
>on python which depends on X.  Even pam depends on X in some twisted
>way, IIRC.

Bingo. My build system uses a bootstrap technique. This is the only way to find
and fix specfile bugs or implied dependencies. For example, I added udev
yesterday and within 2 minutes found flex, bison, and glib2-devel missing from
the buildrequires.

Python is bad, but I have it fixed with a variable that swings X in or out. pam
doesn't have X dependencies, though. Amazingly, glibc does. Somebody added a
memory profile utility that generates graphs. That immediately swung in X and
created circular dependencies.

-Steve Grubb

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