upgrade to rawhide report

Alan Cox alan at redhat.com
Mon Aug 23 11:46:35 UTC 2004

On Sun, Aug 22, 2004 at 09:37:56PM -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> BTW, when using NetworkManager for desktops, do we really need network-
> scripts and sysconfig/networking at all?

Define "desktop". If you mean "dhcp managed disposable splat" then probably
not, but desktop also covers a large multitude of other things including
secure IPsec networks, static addressing, cable modems, ppp, ...

> down to the fact that the configuration is in multiple places:
> modprobe.conf, hwconf, network-scripts, sysconfig/networking;
> it doesn't seem that well-defined how it all works... maybe I'm just
> dense though.

The kernel names interfaces it finds eth0, eth1, ... etc (or ppp0 and so on).
It provides the ability to rename them as you like (so you can rename them
to "ADSL" "DMZ" "DavesRoom" and so on...). The current process is meant to be

	Driver gets loaded
	We peer at the MAC
	We decide what eth* device it was before from the MAC (optional)
	We rename it
	We run the scripts

> One policy we might try to get closer to: clearly split autogenerated
> information from manually-edited information, and machine-readable
> information from human-only information such as scripts.

The how does the user edit it - and don't say "with the config tools" they
are not accessible or complete enough.


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