Newer MySQL?

Leonard den Ottolander leonard at
Tue Aug 24 23:00:42 UTC 2004

Hi Michael,

> Could someone please enlighten me? Why isn't a newer version of MySQL,
> like 4.x, shipping with FC? Is it because Postgre is the DB of choice,
> or is it a license thing?

Funny. I was just thinking the same thing today and looked around a bit.
Then I get a bugzilla mail about rpm deltas that hadn't been touched in
months and now there you are again ;).

Joe Orton (?) reported the license issue was fixed and the waiting was
for new tarballs with the new FOSS-exception license. Further
investigation showed that there are no new tarballs yet however... The
latest is still 4.0.20 and that is dated earlier then the report that
things are now fine.

So it seems the ball is with MySQL AB this time. Sigh.


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

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