
Charles Lopes tjarls at iee.lu
Thu Aug 26 00:49:37 UTC 2004

Gunnar Hilling wrote:

>I'd like to know if there a plans to include evms in Fedora. I think
>when you have to setup server-RAID-Systems evms has some important
>features like snapshots, bad block relocation and last but not least 3
>types of high level interfaces (gtk, curses, shell) which ease the
>volume management a lot.
I was under the impression that generic snapshots and bbr were planned
features in the new evms incarnation (EVMS 2). The resizing of software
RAID devices would be nice to have as well. I believe that, as these
features are to be added to the generic device-mapper from kernel 2.6
(which is already used by lvm2), they are likely to land upstream in the
kernel and thus appear in fedora. By then I wouldn't be surprised if
mdadm and lvm2 tools exposed these features as well.
If I'm correct, evms should only be evaluated only as a potential
frontend for disk, RAID and volume management.

>Tools for logical volume management and disk management in general a
>something really missing in standard distros today.
Not exactly missing, maybe just not as complete as evms. Disk Druid kind
of fit in that category for example. I agree that evms would be nice a 
nice addition to fedora.


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