IRC server is hostile.

Michael Favia garbage at
Fri Aug 27 17:08:45 UTC 2004

I have always opposed the use of nickserv as a simple convenience issue. 
However i do recognize that there are people out there with nothing 
better to do with their time than screw with an open IRC chan. As a 
result i have always defaulted to those in charge of the channel and 
their tolerance and willingness to administer the channel. If the 
nickserve severely decreases administration i can certainly understand 
its implementation and will grudgingly abide as usual. A second concern 
of mine however is that many newcomers to IRC/Linux DO select the fedora 
distro and i would argue that nickserv slightly raises the barrier to 
entry for those new folks. Like i said though if it helps maybe it is 
worth the cost.

Michael Favia

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