yum 2.1.0

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Tue Aug 31 14:35:27 UTC 2004

> Yup, I agree, and the progress bar when gathering package info is very
> nice, as there is no longer this impression that something is "stuck in a
> loop" there previously was after the "Downloading needed headers" message
> ;-) From some quick tests on a P2 400MHz, no major speed improvement for
> me, though.

Hmm, That doesn't entirely shock me. a p2-400 will take longer on the
xml import. There may be some ways to cache that but, it's unfortunately
the nature of the beast. However, once the metadata is loaded the
depresolution should be much faster and it's memory footprint
considerably smaller.

run in debug mode 4 and you'll see two numbers print out right before
and after the dep resolution.

Those will be start and end times on the dep resolution functions.

> Seth: Attached is a quick patch to make --help's output more consistent and
> 80 columns friendly.
> I've only tried updating, asking for a non-existing package and creating an
> rss file... all worked fine.

Thanks matthias.


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