install fedora on a powerbook g4 667

Alex Kiernan alex.kiernan at
Sat Jan 3 13:01:18 UTC 2004

k1n6w4r3z <k1n6w4r3z at> writes:

> >You will probably have to install something like YellowDog (which is
> >also RPM-based) and then start replacing packages with those from the
> >Fedora project.  There are a few key packages missing from the PowerPC
> >Fedora build which currently makes installing Fedora directly impossible.
> >
> >I bought YellowDog 3.1 and then installed Fedora development on top of it.
> >This works nicely.
> Do you mean that i have to do a minimal installation of yellowdog then
> get all the rpms an do rpm -ivh --force --nodeps * in the folder that
> contains the fedora rpms?

My approach was YellowDog minimal install, then yum update (avoiding
initscripts), then yum installing things as I needed them. I also used
the yum and fedora-release from to
get me started.

The only stuff I've had "out of the box" problems with are:

* initscripts (which I think is because I hadn't kept my sysctl.conf,
  but I'm not about to try rebooting my box 'til I'm back in the
  office after Christmas/New Year!)

* mozilla (core's on startup unless you apply the patch which marks
  things __may_alias__) -

* binutils (which won't compile a 2.6 kernel) - I used the patch from (though
  modified so it applied cleanly)

* hfsutils and hfsplusutils (which are both missing from Fedora and
  won't compile out of the box on it)

* mkinitrd (which needs ppc64-utils, which isn't in Fedora) - I just
  installed with --nodeps (until I get around to making ppc64-utils
  build me a replacement pmac-utils).

I'm happy to put these patches up somewhere (or report them as bugs?).

Alex Kiernan, Principal Engineer, Development, THUS plc

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