include much needed antivirus products in FC2

nathan r. hruby nhruby at
Mon Jan 5 21:50:25 UTC 2004

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004, seth vidal wrote:

> Try this sometime - process 100000+ pieces of mail a day and see if AV
> scanning doesn't add much load? AV scanning centrally does NOT scale.

I do that.  Works fine for me :)  Granted, when there's a virus attack and
we get 4000 viri an hour, that tends to make some load and that 
scanning doesn't happen on the same machine where mail eventually lives 
so there's less user visible performance impact.

> Moreover - if you are always protecting your users then they will never
> learn.

There's a diff between learning and having common sense.  Users may learn 
to install av, and in fact may even remember to update it once in a while.  
But email to them is higher priority then AV so they'll tend to connect and 
read email before doing updates which means they get the newest viri 
before the newest updates (this is the downside of auto-updating.. people 
tend to forget about it and assume that they're always covered not 
thinking about what the update schedule is).  

nathan hruby <nhruby at>
uga enterprise information technology services
production systems support
metaphysically wrinkle-free

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