include much needed antivirus products in FC2

Steve Bergman steve at
Wed Jan 7 00:53:48 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 17:02, Michael Schwendt wrote:

> As mentioned earlier, you express a subjective point of view.  Based on
> your personal preference of not being willing to enable a clamav server by
> copying a few example config files into place, you judge better about a
> clamav daemon package which you can start right after package
> installation. You don't care about security implications or flexibility.
> If you wanted to configure a second daemon, you would be stuck. You don't
> comment on server packages in Core either which need heavy configuration
> before a service runs.

Not sure what those would be.  Bind and Apache have fairly involved
config files, but they run just fine right after installation using a
sensible default configuration.  With sendmail, whose config file is so
complex and cryptic that most mortal users pray to God that it "just
works" out of the box, the default config does, in fact, just work out
of the box.

Arguing that clamav (which is basically a glorified 'file' command) is
so special that it absolutely needs special attention and cannot be
installed with a sensible default config like apache, bind and sendmail 
seems kinda silly.

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