include much needed antivirus products in FC2

Enrico Scholz enrico.scholz at
Wed Jan 7 01:22:56 UTC 2004

steve at (Steven Pritchard) writes:

>> > Besides, in this case, all you need to do is let clamd run as its
>> > own user, with a writable socket file.
>> Writable for whom? For 'clamd' only would not make sense, world-writable
>> is a huge security risk: user A could gain information about user B by
>> scanning his files.
> How?  If the (unprivileged) clamd user can read user B's files, then
> user A could just read them with cat.  If clamd has any special
> privileges, then it isn't configured properly.

Ok, user A gets mail and want it to be checked. There are two ways for

* mail is at an public place so that clamd can access it -> bad, I do
  not want my mails at public places

* mail will be placed at a place accessibly for clamd and A only -> how
  can I do this without ACL's? Besiding this, it would be still possibly
  for B to gain information about A's mail by invoking clamd to read it.

>> DOS attacks are possible also: users should not be
>> able to shutdown system services with a simple 'QUIT' command.
> If clamd allows that, it's a bug and should be fixed.

Page 3 in clamdoc.pdf:

| * QUIT
|    Perform a clean exit.

> In my amavisd package, I just make the temporary path executable by
> clamd's group, so it can open files when it is given a path BUT THAT'S
> IT.  The only problem that arises is if the end-user wants to install
> other virus scanners and do the same thing with them, but that's their
> problem to solve, not mine.  :-)

Arises within other situations also. E.g. with spamblockers or webaccess to
the quarantine area. Results in endless, non-auditable bunch of directories
which breaks on minimal modifications.

> I totally disagree.  This is no different than random users wanting to
> allow access to something from apache but nothing else...

This requires that ~/public_html is accessible for httpd. In non-ACL
capable systems this means world-access and I would never do this for my


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