RPM submission procedure

Jef Spaleta jspaleta at princeton.edu
Thu Jan 8 15:47:47 UTC 2004

Magnus Runesson wrote:
> If the fedora/redhat people want involvement from other people I think
> it is important to inform us how to participate in the "community". As
> long as there are no information about how to help, I can't help.


Right Now
Filing bugs in bugzilla (http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/) is the
best way to get changes into packages. You can report problems, request
enhancements, or submit fixes (generally in the form of unified diffs).
You can also contribute by sorting through existing bugs in bugzilla,
confirming their validity or requesting more information for them. You
can particapte in the weekly Wednesday bug days on the #fedora-bugs
channel on freenode IRC, as well.

You can also contribute packages using the process to the older Fedora
Linux project with which the Fedora Project will be merging.

The Merge Team has the "simple" goal to make the merge between the old
Fedora Linux project and the new Fedora Project happen. This includes
policy merges and infrastructure management. This team will be reduced
and reconstituted as the Infrastructure Team once the merge has been
completed. The Merge Team and later the Infrastructure Team will have
participants from inside and outside of Red Hat.

It's pretty clear from the available 'Official' documentation that 
there is a planned MERGER of what fedora.us IS and what Red Hat WANTS
the Fedora project to be. What exactly is going to change with regard to
merge fedora.us into what will become Fedora Extras has to be discussed.
But fedora.us IS the starting point for that discussion.

-jef"I can NOT stress the idea that everyone needs to read all of the
fedora.redhat.com website like 3 times before really understanding where
things stand on the policy front"spaleta

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