zsh configuration proposal

Eric Hattemer hattenator at imapmail.org
Sun Jan 25 01:07:46 UTC 2004

All good points.  You don't need to use zsh if you don't want to.  Zsh 
has had completions probably since the beginning, whereas the 
bash_completions rpm is relatively new.  I started using zsh a few years 
ago.  The compinstall script is a pretty nice and convenient way to 
configure zsh, though.  It has an autoload function which is pretty 
useful, because it loads functions into memory so that they are quick to 
access.  I'm not sure if bash has the same thing, but it might. 

I'm pretty sure macosx turns on correction by default system wide in 
tcsh and bash.  I don't see how its harmful; please explain. 

Honestly, I don't know the full extent of what bash can do if configured 
properly.  Zsh has array variables, colored prompts, correction-on-tab, 
and a few other things that I enjoy.  I'm not saying that bash doesn't, 
just that I've never investigated that. 

-Eric Hattemer

Behdad Esfahbod wrote:

>I have never used zsh, but from the manual I looked right now and
>reading your files, I can say that what you have sent is mostly
>personal preferences.  Most of them can be done using bash too,
>but for example, it's not sane to turn auto-correction on by
>default system wide.
>Moreover, I'm still waiting to see how zsh performs better than
>bash_completion.  From what I have read[1], zsh provides a
>programmable completion just like bash does.  May be more
>advanced, but the point is that you still need a zsh_completion
>package to define the real completion rules.
>[1] http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/zsh_18.html#SEC97
>On Sat, 24 Jan 2004, Eric Hattemer wrote:

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