Possible FC2 inclusions from fedora.us

Warren Togami wtogami at redhat.com
Sun Jan 25 10:10:50 UTC 2004

I was asked to prepare a small list of packages to possibly move from 
fedora.us into Fedora Core 2.  I propose the following packages for 
discussion of merits.  If they are not chosen for FC2, they will be in 
FC2 Extras at fedora.redhat.com as will the rest of fedora.us packages.

 > ddrescue

     dd-like tool but doesn't die on I/O errors
         useful if the tool is already installed when you need to attempt
         data recovery?

 > bonnie++

     excellent burn-in stability test for disk/filesystem
     This tool has saved me lots of potential headache and downtime by
     testing and crashing failing hardware or bad kernels before putting
     servers into production.

 > iptstate

There is some disagreements to include it in Core or not.  Everyone 
agrees that it is a really nice tool though.

 > pyzor
 >     python-based anti-spam system, automatically augments
 >     spamassassin scoring power

Does anyone object to pyzor?  It is an incredibly simple way of making 
spamassassin score more accurately.  The python source appears fairly 
clean and compact, complete with unit tests.  There have not been any 
pyzor releases since September 2002 and watching the mailing list, I 
have not seen anything that looks like a confirmed pyzor bug in all this 

One possible blocker might be that it was not tested on python-2.3 yet.

 > perl-Digest-Nilsimsa
 >     Needed for perl-Razor-Agent
 > perl-Razor-Agent

      perl-based anti-spam system, easily augments spamassassin scoring 
power.  Far more effective in scoring than pyzor, but a bit more 
complicated due to the larger amount of code and dependency.

 > perl-RPM-Specfile
      generates mostly proper SRPMS out of any perl CPAN module

 > scribus
 > scribus-i18n-en
      Popular desktop publishing software
      Target for 1.1.5 coordinating with upstream developers if this is 
accepted into Core.  Otherwise it can go into Extras anytime.

Warren Togami
wtogami at redhat.com

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