fcron as a cron replacement

Russell Coker russell at coker.com.au
Tue Jan 27 09:46:16 UTC 2004

On Tue, 27 Jan 2004 19:09, Jens Petersen <petersen at redhat.com> wrote:
> What do people think of replacing our cron package
> (vixie-cron) and anacron with fcron?
> 	http://fcron.free.fr/
> Fwiw 2.9.4 is supposed to have SElinux support.

fcron works in a slightly different way to vixie-cron in managing crontabs 
etc.  I have been using it along side vixie-cron for quite a while (it's good 
for laptops as it doesn't miss jobs when the machine is suspended).

The 2.9.4 release has support for the "old" SE Linux.  I've written a patch to 
provide new SE Linux support which I've sent to the author.  I've got fcron 
running on a new SE Linux machine and it's doing OK.

We would want to get someone good to audit the code before we consider making 
it our standard cron.

I've attached my patch to make it work with new SE Linux (which we use).

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