Updating RPMs using binary deltas (demo)

Leonard den Ottolander leonard at den.ottolander.nl
Wed Jan 28 17:53:58 UTC 2004

Hello Nigel,

> While I really prefer this solution, the assertion that minigzip makes
> the packages "rsync-able" does not hold up.  The rpm-delta
> proof-of-concept code used rpm2cpio to extract the rpm payload, and this
> implicitly performs a un-minigzip operation on the payload.  The
> uncompressed cpio payloads are then given to xdelta.

I guess that what makes that minigzip makes this work is that it'll
produce the same output on the same input (correct me if I'm wrong). It
might have nothing to do with the rsyncability patch to gzip, as I
suggested in an earlier mail.

But these steps could be implemented inside rsync, and the precomputed
hashes could be computed on the unminigzipped cpios and header parts.


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

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