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Rui Miguel Seabra rms at 1407.org
Wed Jan 28 19:29:44 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 19:21, seth vidal wrote:
> > That's not a standard dependency AFAICT.
> and yet it IS a dependency in the build in the fedora devel tree.

Well, it could be no more of a problem than the rest of GNOME, then.

Quote from Dom at abiword-dev:

libcroco is a CSS/CSS2 parsing library. AbiWord does
not depend upon it. LibRSVG *optionally* depends upon
it. One of AbiWord's *optional* plugins depends on
RSVG. Theoretically this would affect *all* of the
Gnome platform and not just AbiWord, since all of
Gnome *requires* librsvg.

Besides that, there was a reference to gtk+ 2.3 which, is his knowledge,
can be used with AbiWord.

I can understand if this removal was something temporary in order to fix
something more important like anaconda, but I hope this lasts only until
it is fixed.

I really can't look into it to find out why that is happening with FC's
package of AbiWord but that is NOT NORMAL, most definitely.


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