MySQL and PHP now OK together?

Alan Cox alan at
Wed Jan 28 21:48:40 UTC 2004

On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 02:38:22PM -0700, Tyler larson wrote:
> use mod_php 4. It sounds like if any additional wording needs to be
> worked into the agreement to make things legal, MySQL AB will be more
> than willing to work with your lawyers make it happen so that we can
> distribute MySQL 4. After all, they didn't take the effort to grant this

Thats something for the lawyers to discuss not me. I will merely note that
the apache license has restrictions beyond GPL so merging mod_php with
apache seems to be problematic. Apache is variant advertising clause BSD
so its free but differently free (the joys of licensing)

> Now, people still have to take care and only distribute Open Source PHP
> apps if they're to be a derivative work of MySQL 4, but that's the
> responsibility of the individual developer, not us. It's no different

Sure. But put the distributor hat on and look at it the other way. MySQL4
is not a substitute product for MySQL3 to many users. Its an unusable 
product becauase the license changed. To many such users its very much
like some of the proprietary "ahah now you pay per copy" type games,
with the difference they can opt to keep to the old one.

Thats not a political issue - I'm sure Richard Stallman applauds your
license change. I'm sure its good business sense for you. I wish you'd
used GPL from day one personally 8)


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