php - conflicts because of php-imap

Jim Cornette cornette at
Fri Jan 30 03:44:55 UTC 2004

Just because of a statement that there was no conflict with today's 
payload of rawhide improvements. I have a conflict using up2date to 
install the latest php-ldap and php itself because of php-imap dependacies.

Error message as follows.

There was a package dependency problem.  The message was:

Unresolvable chain of dependencies:
php-imap-4.3.4-3                         requires php = 4.3.4-3

Please modify your package selections and try again.

I have chosen not to break dependacies for now and pass on the php stuff.

I know that rawhide is not perfect. But I'm trying to contribute from my 
end. ecept for the missing gnome menus, it looks pretty good.


Actually, what I'd like is a little toy spaceship!!

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