mplayer vs. xine

Eric S. Raymond esr at
Fri Jan 30 08:21:21 UTC 2004

seth vidal <skvidal at>:
> totem with the xine backend makes for a nice front end to xine. I've
> been using it for all my movie watching and it's a nice, simple and
> obvious (for the most part) interface.
> it's in the livna archives if anyone wants to try it out.


Totem *rocks*!  This is just what I've been looking for, and it's
going straight into the Fedora Multimedia Installation HOWTO I'm
working up.

I must say, despite my frustration with OpenOffice and the nonexistent
RPM submission process, it is wicked cool to be able to ^Z out of my
mailer, type 'yum totem', and try it out less than 30 seconds later.
		<a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a>

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