fedora.us QA process

Michael Schwendt ms-nospam-0306 at arcor.de
Thu Mar 4 22:44:27 UTC 2004

On Thu, 04 Mar 2004 10:36:36 -0500, Toshio wrote:

>   I've been going on the assumption that everything on the
> QAChecklist is mandatory.

Mandatory as in "it's mandatory to know that the list exists". ;)
Actually, it's a framework. Something to start with. Important for a
community project like fedora.us, which has had to avoid repeating
mistakes and which has had (and still has) to fill the repository with a
reliable base set of packages which other packages can depend on. An
attempt at collecting things that should be verified by those who review
packages. Starting with security considerations, plus things that have
been encountered in early package requests and which have been discussed
on the mailing list. That's why things like "License instead of Copyright"
are on that list, too. The "Copyright" tag is deprecated, but it still
builds fine and appears as "License" in the binary rpm. Not a major
issue. And if a package were fine except for using "Copyright" tag instead
if "License", would you request an update?

It's mandatory to feel good about a package if you approve it.


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