rpm / gpg key question.

Erik LaBianca erik at totalcirculation.com
Thu Mar 4 23:48:18 UTC 2004

> You are seeing
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=68291 - rpm is
> usually unable to understand keys with signatures correctly! The only
> workaround I have is to gpg --edit-key and remove all the signatures
> (except for self-signature) before gpg --export.

This sucks. Thanks for explaining to me what's going on.

Do you have a shell script or anything that can automate this process?
This kind of stuff is what makes getting started with QA into a complete

I'd prefer not to have a whole page of text in my guide explaining how
to remove signatures from a key before it can be imported into rpm!



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