Help Needed: gnome-open and apps patching

Warren Togami wtogami at
Tue Mar 16 12:02:38 UTC 2004

GNOME 2.6 added the "gnome-open" utility which launches the browser that 
is chosen by the user in "Preferred Applications".  gnome-open reads the 
appropriate keys from gconf then launches the browser.  While gnome-open 
is not a long-term solution for cross-desktop compatibility (like with 
KDE), it allows us to have better desktop application integration within 
the short time-frame of the FC2 release schedule.  It also gives us a 
better alternative to the highly problematic "htmlview" script.

The following tasks need your help in order to better integrate the 
Linux desktop applications.

1) gaim default to gnome-open
Someone please submit an exact patch that can be added to the 
gaim*.src.rpm to change the default URL handler to Custom and using 

This patch will eventually go in so that the Preferred Applications 
chooser in order to properly set the gconf keys.  The patch needs only 
trivial cleanup.

3) gnome-open should probably be patched to not reject "about:" URLs. 
While /usr/bin/gnome-open is within the libgnome package, I believe the 
code that needs fixing is within gnome-vfs2.  If you can fix this, 
please submit the patch to upstream GNOME Bugzilla/CVS and let this 
thread know of the Bugzilla URL.

4) xchat and (soon) gaim already honors the gnome-open Preferred 
Application choice, but there are undoubtedly other applications that 
could be trivially patched to launch gnome-open for URL handling. 
Please let us know if you find such applications.  If you submit an 
exact patch to insert into the SRPM, there is still a chance that it can 
be included before the freeze.  Well, I hope so at least.


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