Gnome 2.6.1 and FC2

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Sat May 1 04:19:15 UTC 2004

On Fri, Apr 30, 2004 at 04:50:59PM -0700, Per Bjornsson wrote:
> If the answer is "no", is it because of perceived destabilization or
> because it takes time from new development? If it is the latter, would
> it be possible for volunteer-packaged updates to be considered for
> inclusion as official updates? (I believe that the FC2 Gnome is very
> close to upstream, so it's likely that very little patch updating etc
> would have to be done - is that a correct assumption? I can see that for
> heavily patched packages would be more difficult for someone who is not
> the original packager to package a sane update.)

I think it's a bad idea to go down that road. Whole new Fedora Core releases
are planned to be quite frequent; within each one, the packages should be as
stable as possible.

Matthew Miller           mattdm at        <>
Boston University Linux      ------>                <>

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