k3b as default CD burner

Matt Hansen helios82 at optushome.com.au
Wed May 5 22:56:21 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-05-06 at 03:28, Pyroman[FO] wrote:
> I was wondering why gtoaster was still the default cd burner with Fedora 
> Core.  k3b is updated more often and much easier to use than gtoaster, 
> IMO.  gtoaster hasn't been updated in a while.  Any specific reasons?

According to the FC2 test3 release notes, gtoaster has been removed for

"gtoaster — Equivalent functionality present in nautilus-cd-burner"

Equivalent functionality!? As Alan just pointed out, it's not as
full-featured as a CD-burning app. So the only other GNOME app on offer
is X-CD-Roast I believe, but I prefer K3b over all of them.
nautilus-cd-burner is really simple to use, but it can't do everything
such as burn an audio CD if you feed it mp3s/oggs.

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 - Bob Young on the benefits of the open source development model.
mhelios - www.fedoraforum.org 

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