k3b as default CD burner

Chris Kloiber ckloiber at ckloiber.com
Sat May 8 23:53:55 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-05-06 at 02:01, seth vidal wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 13:59, Pyroman[FO] wrote:
> > I understand that, but why isn't it included in the default install as 
> > the default burner?  Are there any reasons other than "We don't like KDE"?
> > 
> to be brutally honest - k3b is great. It's a whole lot ahead of gtoaster
> in terms of flexibility and obviousness of use.
> I install it on my gnome systems b/c chances are I'll need the kde stuff
> anyway.
> It probably doesn't need to be in the gnome default for burning b/c
> gnome has nautilus cd burning for a lot of tasks.
> but k3b is darned nice.
> -sv

Convince someone to fork a port to gtk2 and call it g3b. 

/me runs!

Chris Kloiber

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