Choosing rpm-release for fc1 and fdr add-on rpms

Warren Togami wtogami at
Wed May 12 08:11:42 UTC 2004

Ralf Corsepius wrote:
> Hi,
> I am planing to release a couple of rpms which are supposed to be add-on
> packages to Fedora Core and/or Fedora Extras.
> What is the current convention on choosing rpm release tags for such
> packages to provide co-existence for such kind of packages?
> AFAIS, from freshrpms, livna, atrpms none there doesn't seem to exist
> such kind of convention. Conversely, all seem to be designed "to take
> over the system". 
If you follow these rules you generally will not clash with FC packages, 
but it takes a little practice to get it right.  The other volunteers 
will help you if you make mistakes, so don't worry.  It would help if 
you submit your packages to QA just so other people know it 
exists.  (That process will NOT become easier when the SCM goes online, 
because only trusted & proven developers will have any checkin access at 
all, while everyone else must earn that trust through demonstrated hard 
work and dedication.)

I assume you mean by "taking over the system" you mean replacing 
packages that are within the core distribution? and livna 
does not do that at all.  The other 3rd party repositories are 
controlled by single persons and they generally do whatever they want 
unilaterally, for better or worse.


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