Fedora.us sync with devel

Warren Togami wtogami at redhat.com
Thu May 13 06:05:49 UTC 2004

Ivan Gyurdiev wrote:
> Why is there no repository for the fedora.us packages that's in sync 
> with fedora development? I've noticed fedora-devel packages tend to 
> update in batches in order not to break dependencies. It becomes a pain 
> to make fedora devel work with fedora.us packages against the last 
> release. Isn't the idea to merge the two anyway? When will that happen?

What are you talking about?  fedora.us has been in sync with development 
during this entire FC2 cycle.  Now we've moved to a version '2' 
repository in preparation for release, so we can do a mass rebuild of 
all Extras packages and make sure everything works.


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