Module symbol versions in installer kernel

Paul Gear paul at
Sat May 15 07:52:35 UTC 2004

Jesse Keating wrote:
> ...
> When a kernel module is compiled, part of the compilation is to check the 
> kernel version that it is compiling against and set that in the module 
> information.  Modules can only be loaded into kernels that they are 
> compiled for.  The installer uses one kernel version (uname to find out), 
> while the installed system uses another.  Thus, your module that works in 
> the installed system will not load in the installer.  So, you need to 
> build your module against a kernel source tree that is A) configured for 
> the install time kernel, and B) has the version set to such in the top 
> level Makefile.
> I hope this clears it up a bit for you.

Not really.  :-)

I know that it has to match the kernel version.  The kernel in the FC1
installer is 2.4.22-1.2115.nptl, and this is the kernel i built the
driver against after install.  (I've just confirmed this again by
running uname -a under both the installer and the default kernel after

The issue is not with the kernel version, but with module symbol
versioning, which from what i've been able to work out so far is a way
of making sure you have compatible versions of modules within the same
kernel version.

This seems to be an option at kernel/module compile time - problem is, i
can't work out where.  The option seems to be turned off in the
installer kernel, and on in the installed kernel.

A: Because we read from top to bottom, left to right.
Q: Why should i start my email reply *below* the quoted text?
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