safe to remove IPV6 from kernel?

ne... akabi at
Fri May 21 12:14:26 UTC 2004

On May 20, 2004 at 17:21, Warren Togami in a soothing rage wrote:

>This is off-topic for fedora-devel-list, because it does not contribute 
>anything toward the general improvement of Fedora development.  Many 
>other posts and entire threads on fedora-devel-list lower the signal to 
>noise ratio, and as a result high level developers have decided to avoid 
>reading this list entirely.  That is a loss to overall communication and 
>As a result, I and other Fedora maintainers will be increasingly frankly 
>reminding list membership about proper list usage.
Warren, could please also do this on the fedora-test-list?
It is sorely needed there.

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