The Fedora Hardware Project

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Mon May 24 20:12:46 UTC 2004

On Mon, 24 May 2004 15:59:12 -0400, Janina Sajka <janina at> wrote:
> This has been previously reported of course, but I haven't heard of any plan to fix 
> this. Is there one?

I strongly suggest that you put together a group of community people
interested in
addressing accessibility issues who can prioritize the accessibility
issue and create a roadmap towards full distribution accessibility
over a several release timescale and who can provide assistance to
fedora packagers and upstream project maintainers.  An accessibility
working group as a subcommunity group could be a very helpful thing,
especially if they organized a roadmap and systematically help
developers address accessibility issues in an organized way.


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