Call for Discussion: Summary document concerning Prevention andRecovery of XP Dual Boot Problems

Brad Smith brads at
Wed May 26 01:40:03 UTC 2004

> Now this leads to my actual question.. Is it really smart to
> leave FC2 out there when this scenario will probably hit a lot of people?

This has been on my mind as well. The Mandrake bugzilla entry mentions a
fix (or anaconda? grub?) being in Cooker (their unstable distro) and so
assumedly in the just-released MDK10-Official. That leaves FC2 in the
unenviable position of being the only(?) distro out there afflicted with
this problem. 

So in other words:

a) Is a fix being developed (by whom? if not, who wants it?)

b) Once it's developed, can we replace the FC2 ISOs on the website and
mirrors with ones that incorporate the fix?


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