Difficulties with FC4/xenU

Jeffrey Buell jbuell at vmware.com
Thu Apr 7 21:18:19 UTC 2005

I installed the 2.6.11-1.1226 versions of xen0 and xenU.  xen0 boots fine and
I'm able to run some small benchmarks.  I followed the Quickstart Guide
closely but xenU wouldn't boot.  I only managed to get to the "repair
filesystem" prompt. I discovered that the xenU file system didn't contain
inittab, rc.d/rc.sysinit, or rc.d/rc files.  I copied over these files from
xen0 and the boot went a little further, but still complained about missing
things.  etc/init.d contains 90 files in the xen0 fs but only 43 files in
xenU, and at least one of the missing ones is needed for boot.  I did
groupinstall Base.  I could try copying over all of init.d but that doesn't
seem like the right thing to do.

1)  Has anybody successfully installed 2.6.11-1.1226 with Base, and did you
get all the files needed to boot to runlevel 3?  Maybe my install was broken
and I need to start over from scatch.

2)  Should I use a different group than Base?  Is there info somewhere on the
different groups available?



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