removing eog from core

Steven Garrity stevelist at
Mon Apr 18 22:21:20 UTC 2005

Marius Andreiana wrote:
> Anyway, eog is only 600k. It doesn't worth discussing/arguing about it.
> If some people want it, let it be and let's move to next :-) 

Good point. However, it's not just a matter of disk space. It also means 
one more item in the "Graphics" menu - which is a bigger deal.

For what it's worth, I do think a *really* quick/simple image viewer 
makes sense to have separate from a more powerful (read: slower to 
start-up) image/photo browser.

It would be cool if gThumb defaulted to a simpler (just the image) view 
when opened with only one image - in that case, it would eliminate the 
need for eog.

Steven Garrity

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