java-1.4.2-gcj-compat uninstalls sun jre

Anthony Green green at
Wed Apr 27 17:47:43 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-04-27 at 11:06 +0200, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> The problem is - we don't have any control on what Sun chooses to put in
> its own packages, nor on its (dubious) reading of the FHS, so as soon
> someone installs the original sun package the game is over.

For everybody's benefit and entertainment, check out the comments in
this bug report (re: jpackage).;:WuuT?bug_id=4680244

The sad thing is that Sun recently posted a bunch of notes on their next
product rev (Mustang), including how they plan to "fix" their RPM.  From
what I can tell, they completely ignore all of the requests to cooperate
with the community:

(and be sure to read the comments in that one also)

The Sun packaging issue is, of course, independent of whether or not
java-gcj-compat exists, since we also have IBM and BEA JRE/JDK products
which should be installable in parallel and managed via alternatives.

It seems that the community has had little impact on how
Sun is planning to package their products.  Maybe IBM and BEA will have
more luck if they try.


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