Fedora core suggestions

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Sat Apr 22 09:26:08 UTC 2006

David-Paul Niner wrote:

> This "life lesson" was meant to be just that -- something for you take
> away and digest.  I do sincerely apologize if I embarrassed you; it was
> a bad call for me to write what I did.
> I now realize, however, it seems quite likely that you could benefit
> from some talking with someone about things, as you seem quite angry:

Hm, I could have benefited from discussing what the meaning of 
'marketing' actually is for Free software, especially now I read there 
is a fedora-marketing list.  How does this fit in with the current 
project goals, is it a mild, budgetless advocacy concept or a gung-ho 
tattooed-on-the-forehead self flagellating squad of jihadis that raid 
corporate offices for re-education of the inhabitants, how that crosses 
over with RHEL / Redhat Desktop traditional marketing, what the metric 
is for 'success' on Fedora marketing, how it can even be measured given 
the inherent redistribution, etc.

 >>>>> 1.  Pre-release non-technical user testing.
 >>>>> 2.  Marketing.
 >>>>> 3.  Ego-containment.
 >>>>> 4.  Be more open-minded.

 >>>> If you want to foster discussion, please issue considered
 >>>> argumentation, not unreasoned bulletpoints

 >>> Life Lesson #0: This is just the sort of response that causes people
 >>> to assume defensive postures.
 >>> Also, you're awarding yourself an unrealistic amount of
 >>> self-importance in a group discussion.

>> I don't mind if you feel the need to form a defensive posture on being
>> told you posted a load of handwaving junk.

> My original intention was not to put down you or the project, it was
> merely to generate some discussion. 
> Seriously, best of luck; I have nothing against you and wish you well.

Yeah same to you.

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