[NEW IDEA] Automatic removal of dependencies

Mark Rosenstand mark at borkware.net
Sat Apr 22 14:07:23 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-04-22 at 06:30 -0700, Panu Matilainen wrote:
> Checking the dependencies is the easy part. What gets less trivial is 
> things like this:
> [pmatilai at cs181072240 ~]$ rpm -e --test grub
> [pmatilai at cs181072240 ~]$
> Oops, nothing needs grub, so it can be removed safely, right?

The Debian tool assumes that its users are capable of brain activity. I
don't know if this is a problem in the Fedora case. Anyway, it does have
a couple of more options than Y/n, one of them being 'i' which prints
the description of the package, so it's easy to get a pretty good clue
if you're uncertain whether you need the package.

Of course this is where the "explicitly installed" attribute is useful.
I assume glibc, grub, udev etc. are all explicitly installed by

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