How should i file this prelink hiccup?

Rex Dieter rdieter at
Fri Apr 28 18:34:36 UTC 2006

Jeff Spaleta wrote:
> Summary:
> prelink is not operating on firefox-bin
> this seems to be because the libraries and are
> not in the standard linking path. So when prelink goes to prelink
> firefox-bin it gets confused and aborts.
> Now this isnt a problem for normal firefox operation because the
> firefox shell script redefines where libraries are being looked for.
> But that shell trickery seems to be confusing the default prelinking. 
> Don't we weant firefox-bin to be prelinked like other binaries? If
> the answer is yes, how do we adjust things so the nightly prelink
> script does its job on firefox-bin and mozilla-bin?
> And how exactly do i file this issue in bugzilla?

I'd say file against firefox.

They *used* to have a hack/workaround for this in mozilla's (and 
firefox's?) rpm packaging to help prelink, and that was to use linker 
flags something like:

-- Rex

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