Enabled mach64_dri in kernel, mesa? (fc7,rawhide)

Gilboa Davara gilboad at gmail.com
Sun Dec 17 18:15:53 UTC 2006

Hello all,

According to [1] and [2], the latest mach64 mesa (6.5.x) driver is
considered secure.
Could it be possible to implant the mach64.* code into the kernel source
(from drm) and enable mach64_dri in the mesa spec?
(I can live with the missing mach64.ko kernel module; However, having to
rebuild mesa on a PII366 every time a new mesa package is released to
fc6-updates is a -huge- pain in the backside)

- Gilboa
[1] http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/ATIMach64
[2] https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6242

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