Firefox trademark shenanigans (Re: Any chance of getting Firefox 2.0 into rawhide/FC6?)

Stephen John Smoogen smooge at
Thu Sep 28 23:34:28 UTC 2006

On 9/28/06, Rahul Sundaram <sundaram at> wrote:
> Konstantin Ryabitsev wrote:
> > It's definitely late for such change to happen in the FC6 timeframe,
> > but we have to look further, and if we are to stick to the motto of
> > providing a distribution that is "free to infinity," then we can't
> > continue to ship Firefox under the name that limits what we can and
> > cannot do with the software.
> >
> Thats not true. Several projects enforce trademark guidelines. They hold
> restrictions on the name to ensure that their brand isnt spoiled. That
> includes Debian,Fedora and Linux itself. If there is pain in following
> the guidelines, you can rename it (see httpd vs apache in Fedora) but
> the trademark restriction by itself doesnt make the software non-free or
> incompatible with the Fedora objectives.

Suggestions for names:

apache -> httpd
firefox   -> html-browser
seamonkey -> html-suite
thunderbird -> html-email
sunbird -> html-calender

Stephen J Smoogen. -- CSIRT/Linux System Administrator
How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed
in a naughty world. = Shakespeare. "The Merchant of Venice"

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