kqemu inclusion in kernel

dragoran drago01 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 13:02:37 UTC 2007

Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Paul Wouters wrote:
>> On Thu, 2 Aug 2007, Dave Jones wrote:
>>> A much better way to get this stuff into Fedora is to find out why
>>> it isn't getting upstream, and get involved with whatever cleanup
>>> work is necessary to get it there.
>> Upstream (of which a lot of people are working at RedHat as well, so
>> telling them to go upstream is kinda moot) often don't even start to
>> listen. There is no politics in the kernel, because kernel people are
>> just not enganging in an discussion at all.
> Who even submitted these patches upstream to start engaging in a 
> discussion?
in case of kqemu nobody... seems qemu upstream isn't really interessted 
in doing this.

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