Kernel Modules in Fedora

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Fri Aug 3 21:21:30 UTC 2007

Kelly wrote:

> Okay.  What happens if the kernel maintainers don't want a module in the 
> kernel for some reason (we're seeing one here with the kqemu module)?  You 
> have to compile from source?  There is a plan for that, right?

You can't just assume the kernel developers don't want a module that the 
developer's have tried to submit as patches publicly in LKML. If the 
module has no future in the kernel, I don't see how we are going to take 
on the burden of maintaining it continuously forever. DKMS is a short 
term hack that will only work when the interface doesn't change and with 
the 2.6 kernel the amount of changes here are more often.


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