mock build failing sometimes

Manuel Wolfshant wolfy at
Mon Aug 6 03:22:06 UTC 2007


    I am trying to build in mock a new package I've created. Build 
succeeds for x86_64 but fails for i386, despite there is almost no 
config difference. The logs of the failed builds ends always with:

    [wolfy at wolfy64 ~]$ tail -20 /var/lib/mock/fedora-7-i386/result/root.log
    Executing timeout(0): /usr/sbin/mock-helper chmod 2775
    Executing timeout(0): /usr/sbin/mock-helper chown 500.102
    Executing timeout(0): /usr/sbin/mock-helper chroot
    /var/lib/mock/fedora-7-i386/root /sbin/runuser - root -c "rm -rf
    Executing timeout(0): /usr/sbin/mock-helper chroot
    /var/lib/mock/fedora-7-i386/root /sbin/runuser - root -c "mkdir -p
    Executing timeout(0): /usr/sbin/mock-helper chroot
    /var/lib/mock/fedora-7-i386/root /sbin/runuser - root -c "mkdir -p
    Executing timeout(0): /usr/sbin/mock-helper chroot
    /var/lib/mock/fedora-7-i386/root /sbin/runuser - root -c "mkdir -p
    Executing timeout(0): /usr/sbin/mock-helper chroot
    /var/lib/mock/fedora-7-i386/root /sbin/runuser - root -c "mkdir -p
    Executing timeout(0): /usr/sbin/mock-helper chroot
    /var/lib/mock/fedora-7-i386/root /sbin/runuser - root -c "mkdir -p
    Executing timeout(0): /usr/sbin/mock-helper chroot
    /var/lib/mock/fedora-7-i386/root /sbin/runuser - root -c "mkdir -p
    Executing timeout(0): /usr/sbin/mock-helper chroot
    /var/lib/mock/fedora-7-i386/root /sbin/runuser - root -c "chown -R
    mockbuild.mockbuild /builddir"
    Executing timeout(0): /usr/sbin/mock-helper chroot
    /var/lib/mock/fedora-7-i386/root /sbin/runuser - root -c "chmod -R
    0777 /builddir"
    Executing timeout(0): /usr/sbin/mock-helper chroot
    /var/lib/mock/fedora-7-i386/root /sbin/runuser - root -c
    "/sbin/runuser -c 'rpm -Uvh --nodeps
    /builddir/build/originals/xorg-x11-avivo-1.0-2.fc7.src.rpm' mockbuild"
    error: Macro % has illegal name (%define)
    error: cannot write to %sourcedir /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES
    No Spec file found in srpm: xorg-x11-avivo-1.0-2.fc7.src.rpm
    Cleaning up...
    Executing timeout(0): /usr/sbin/mock-helper umount
    Executing timeout(0): /usr/sbin/mock-helper umount
    Executing timeout(0): /usr/sbin/mock-helper umount

I assume my personal .rpmmacros does not matter but here it is just in case:

    #%_missing_doc_files_terminate_build     0
    %_unpackaged_files_terminate_build      0
    %_topdir    /home/wolfy/rpm
    %debug_package %{nil}
    %_signature gpg
    %_smp_mflags -j3
    #%dist .fc5
    #%fedora 1
    #%distname el4
    #%distname fc
    #%distversion %(rpm -qf --qf='%{VERSION}' /etc/redhat-release)
    #%dist    .%{distname}%{distversion}

The src.rpm package itself builds always very happy outside mock. mock 
(mock-0.7.2-1.fc7.x86_64) has been freshly reinstalled and I have run 
"mock --rebuildcache init" (which  work always without problems). It is 
unmodified except for the config files in order to force usage of a 
local mirror and parallel build.

I've pasted at the tests I've performed 
and my mock config files. The src.rpm/spec are available at

If more details are needed I'll be happy to provide. If anyone has 
useful ideas, please assist, it seems I am in "idiot" mode since Friday, 
I cannot figure what's going on and I don't feel like using a debugger 
unless I have no other option.


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