Semi-OT: Bugzilla guided mode addition freezes browers

Arthur Pemberton pemboa at
Wed Aug 8 06:41:37 UTC 2007

I was attempting to file a bug ( and
thought I would give the Guide mode a try. I tried the following OS :
Browser combinations a try, all requiring me to terminate them
manually upon reaching the component selection page:

 * Windows XP Pro : Firefox 2
 * Fedora 7 (kde) : Firefox 2
 * Fedora 7 (kde) :  Konqueror

I'm guessing it had something to do with with the Javascript 1.2 and
the large amount of data, but it uses up enough cycles to render
firefox entirely useless. on Fedora/Firefox2, I did get a warning that
a script was unresponsive, but I didn't stop it (mostly as part of the

Should I file a bug about this?
Fedora Core 6 and proud

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