Kernel Modules in Fedora -x

dragoran drago01 at
Wed Aug 8 13:21:43 UTC 2007

Jarod Wilson wrote:
> dragoran wrote:
>> On 8/7/07, *Jarod Wilson* <jwilson at
>> <mailto:jwilson at>> wrote:
>>     [...]
>>     > You can add it and the re-sync generally works if the partition is not
>>     > too busy, but it tends to be failed out of the array if it is left
>>     > connected when the partition is very active.
>>     I wonder if the cfs scheduler would help with this any. And/or shutting
>>     off beagle (which likes to absolutely slaughter the i/o on my
>>     workstation).
>>  cfs is a cpu scheduler we already have a fair io scheduler (cfq ;) )
>> but cfq got some improvements too (uses a rbtree now like cfs)
> Just throwing it out there, because the responsiveness of my desktop
> went up like 100x while doing heavy lifting in the background (like a
> kernel build) when I 1) upgraded it to a kernel w/cfs and 2) shut off
> beagle indexing.
the worst thing you can do is to let beagle index a dir where you build 
(I still use beagle but I excluded them).

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