Disabling atime

Aly Dharshi aly.dharshi at telus.net
Fri Aug 10 15:07:11 UTC 2007

>> If it's such a fundamental feature that should be kept around, why
>> have NFS optimization documents always recommended disabling atime
>> updates especially on servers where there is a lot of throughput?
>> Just because it's a fundamental feature doesn't mean that it has to be
>> used. Fundamentally, my CPU can run at 2GHz all of the time that
>> doesn't mean that it should.  If 99% of the applications can do
>> without it and probably 99% of the people can as well, why not go
>> ahead and get disable it.
>> Those that need atime will eventually figure out how to turn it on.
>> The potential for a better user experience as well possible power
>> savings seems to outweigh the fundamental feature argument.


Aly Dharshi
aly.dharshi at telus.net
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