Enabling Compiz by default?

Joachim Frieben jfrieben at gmx.de
Sun Aug 12 12:50:26 UTC 2007

> 2. Once 1 is solved you get to pick which compositing manager,
> personally I think compiz might be overkill, but if someone were to make
> metacity and compiz work the same for things like keyboard shortcuts
> etc, with compiz having extra ones, so that users wouldn't have
> inconsistent experience when switching between them. And also the
> default compiz would probably need to have a tailored list of plugins.
> Dave.

In the light of the discussions in this thread it might be worthwile reconsidering dropping compositor support/development -in- metacity [which happened about a year ago] and made a fair number of Fedora users quite unhappy for exactly the reasons mentioned above ..
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