Feature proposal : media:// gnome url handler for requesting users to insert needed CD/DVD

Debarshi 'Rishi' Ray debarshi.ray at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 16:36:55 UTC 2007

>> Imagine user clicking menu =Applications->Add/Remove Software= and she
>> configured CD/DVD based yum repositories(is it possible currently?)
>> before. Would pirut request her to insert the needed CD/DVD?

> Would using opyum instead help?

Sorry for the late reply. Well this is not directly related to Opyum.
It is more of a Pirut/Yum issue in my opinion. I think Yum already has
support for CD/DVD based repositories.

Having said that there is a plan to enable Opyum to create a CD/DVD
based repository out of the Yum cache in a way similar to what APTonCD

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