PulseAudio is now enabled by default on new Fedora installs

Ian Burrell ianburrell at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 22:56:30 UTC 2007

On 8/16/07, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn <d.jacobfeuerborn at conversis.de> wrote:
> Your statement in the announcement sounded very pessimistic in that regard.
>   What I wanted to point out is that it's probably not a good idea to make
> the switch to PA before this is fixed because of the possible user
> backlash. If by "low priority" you mean "I'll get this in before the final
> release" then that's obviously not a problem anymore. It just didn't come
> across like this in the announcement.

Remember that there are two different things involved in "use
PulseAudio".  One is to use PulseAudio as default sound server for
Gnome, Gstreamer, and KDE replacing esd and arts.  I think everyone
agrees that this is a good thing.

The other is to use it for OSS and ALSA.  It sounds like this is where
there are problems with programs like Flash that use sound hardware
directly.  Personally, if the software redirection is not going to
work properly with all programs, then it shouldn't be the default.  If
using pulseaudio as software mixer for ALSA works better than dmix, it
can do that job.

 - Ian

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