awk missing from buildroot?

Hans de Goede j.w.r.degoede at
Wed Aug 22 14:56:34 UTC 2007

Josh Boyer wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Aug 2007 10:59:42 -0400
> Jesse Keating <jkeating at> wrote:
>> On Wed, 22 Aug 2007 07:52:27 -0700
>> Wart <wart at> wrote:
>>> According to the FullExceptionList[1], awk is supposed to be included
>>> in the minimal build root as part of 'gawk'.  But my yadex build
>>> failed because awk wasn't found:
>>> Is this a temporary failure, or something more serious?
>>> --Wart
>>> [1]
>> Argh.  We just need to pull the FullExceptionList.  It's variable and
>> changes over time based on the depchains of those in the Exception list.
>> Doesn't look like gawk is pulled in via deps from the Exception list
>> anymore.
> Heh, I hit that last night when rebuilding quilt.  I just added a BR.

Same for me I hit it with a couple of packages too, and added a BR, we might 
want to just add gawk to the Exceptionslist though, quite a few packages seem 
to need it, and it isn't big (nor has many deps).



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